Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Romy the Cat's Audio recommendation: the biggest bang for a back
Post Subject: Very nice.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/7/2023
I like the analogy with seasoning a lot but there is an interesting twist in it. With RI you will not be able to get a proper bass. You can get a lot atmospheric pressure in any of our small rooms but that acoustic pressure does not create any psychological benefits for music listening. It is pretty too much until you get at least 1.5 -2.0 seconds reverberation time at 60 Hertz you even said ethically cannot produce “interesting” bass. If you get your lower octaves agreeable with your listening, then your objective for high frequency completely get reevaluated. If you have properly harmonically structured (this is key) response at 10-11 kHz then you are already in the business. So, from one point of view reverberation injection is a seasoning but from another point of view reverberation injection is rather a canvas upon which you draw the whole painting of your musical presentation.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site