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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Loudspeaker (Troels Gravesen project); Finally!
Post Subject: The Bruckner ConnectionPosted by Paul S on: 6/28/2023
Weird, I realize, but this speaker project included a
mental exercise about “proper” playback for Bruckner 7”, how to facilitate hearing
and figuring out what is going on with that Music. As ever, I turned different
speaker and amp ideas around in my head like a Rubik’s Cube, trying to mentally
line up a design with the sonic goals until they “clicked”. I have heard very
little Bruckner played live, but brushes with Bruckner’s music, live or
recorded, always piqued my interest, even as it confused me. My previous
speakers are good enough that I have known for some time that Bruckner uses LF and
dynamics “differently”, but I haven’t clearly heard, felt, or understood what
he is doing before now. Very generally, I felt like I needed “more” of what I
had, and it would be a plus if only the 2 speakers had to change. With these
speakers (and the same MA-9S2 amps) I can finally hear and feel the incredibly
rich LF sonorities that Bruckner creates. I also hear differently/better and
understand better the slow to mid-tempo “crescendos” that eluded me before, now
that the rising and falling is better articulated, resulting in certain rich
textures that derive from amazing, subtle timbrel and dynamic instrumental
contrasts, both assonant and dissonant, at times spread out over surprisingly
long intervals, and at times very loud. I also enjoy the way Bruckner uses
large ensembles in every register to weave tapestries of sound, including
texture. The feeling I get is that Bruckner seems to be in grateful awe of Creation,
and his Music makes me feel that way, too. Perhaps, once one hears and
understands Bruckner this way, it is possible to hear and feel it from a car radio
or a boom box. Anyway, I am just, finally, starting to get it, and it looks
like I took a wild shot at this, and it’s working! In truth, when I read about
these speakers, I equated them with big JBL monitors I’ve heard, and they
“matched up” pretty well with my developing mental picture, which included most
of my existing set-up, and I pulled the trigger. I referred several times to
this project as my “latest folly”, because I was not 100% positive how this
big, difficult, expensive project would work out. Heightening the tension, I
built the whole project before I listened, over 3 years, and I basically feel
like I lucked out. Others can decide if my 60 years interest in audio,
including a fair amount of DIY, and tons of “mental cataloging”, gave me the
background to steer myself where I needed to go to get what I wanted. I’ve made
plenty of audio mistakes. I’m glad this was not one of them. I should also say
that I remain a musical omnivore, and if I’ve lost anything by adopting these
speakers, in gaining Bruckner, I have not noticed it yet. I feel like it was
Troel’s design; I just curated, and I was lucky. It would be too funny if these
speakers only did well with B7, but not other Bruckner!
>Sorry about image size! This is the first time I posted a picture here! It took me several tries. >
Paul S>>
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