Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo 2.0?
Post Subject: Phase, Frequency, and Multipe DriversPosted by Paul S on: 11/18/2022
Of course, any speaker is a compromise rather than a "solution" for the complex problems of "phase", which can hardly be "solved" by fixing driver diaphragms in the same verticle plane, at least relative to the listener. Not to say that this is not worth doing, but there are several "other considerations", like combing/sum and difference effects, including "issues" from shooting a given driver across a horn body. Good thing we believe our ears before anything else, as I pity the young audio nut who thinks he can "solve" the fluid and dynamic problems of a multi-driver speaker before actually building it. As far as I know, experience is the only real difference maker. And then, there are crossovers, which include adjustments for driver efficiencies... which affect phase...
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site