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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: S2 Hissing Sound
Post Subject: Moving to the SET/Horns worldPosted by Romy the Cat on: 7/19/2006


A few hints. If you are moving from Parsifal/Encore and LammM1.1 world into the world of SETs and Horn then do not be in hurry to commit yourself and do not create to yourself artificial addictions.

When I talk about artificial addictions I mean that you deal with some “effective” tools now and do not become preoccupied with the performance of those “items” but rather think about Sound as a whole. There are a lot of Morons out there who created for themselves the subjects of bogus worshiping (would it be WE, RCA, Vitavox, Klangfilm and many others…) However, ONLY final result might be justification for anything and the final result does not depend from those “items” but rather implies the combining and integration of all elements of your playback. So, think in context of entire system and observe the benefits of that S2, or anything else ONLY in context off whole Sound of your installation. If you do so then you will be ahead of 99% of the freaks who do audio.

When I talk about “do not commit yet” I mend do not go at this point for an expansive SET. Get a cheap SET, make your horns and spend some time to optimize your horns. THEN, when your acoustic system will be more or less organized (even not perfect) THEN bring better single-ended triode amplifiers and observe how beneficial they might be. To listen a SETs on Parsifal is false thing to do. If you read too much Lars Fredel doodles about the subject then be advised the he was a fool and quite imprudent lair. (In his room the LammM1.1 on Parsifal killed ML2 but it was not what he was writing).

You might also consider different options of you know what kind of horn installation you made. Perhaps you would need to go for DSET that fundamentally MUCH prefers direction to go. $10.000.00 that you prepared to pay for ML2 is a lot of money. A par of Melquiadeses might cost $3.000, but might be made even less, I would say $2.000. Evan if you pay $1000-$1500 to someone to build the thing than you end up with ~3.000-$4.000, no feadback SET that will be doing more interesting then a single Lamm ML2. Interesting that advising is I do not use my ego as a motivation but rather I consider Milq's quality of sound AND the most important thing: flexibility.  You will have money and the "design space" to go for dSET and will be able to optimize the transformers to drive the dedicated channels + to use the line level filters… A single pair of ML2 (old version)  does perfectly fine, it is absolutely the  best commential SET out there, and it is VERY educational amp to live with but  by building any serious horns you will very fast overgrow the ML2’s ability to be flexible…

The Cat

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