Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: R22
Post Subject: Forty wattsPosted by anthony on: 12/30/2021
I am sure I made a reply last night, but it is nowhere, so here it is again.

44V across R22 is equivalent to 0.88A which is way too high and would require a resistor rated better than 40W.  R2 is dropping more voltage than it should.  I would look at the datasheets for 6c33c (in particular) and 6e5p to be sure that the sockets are wired correctly.  For example that the B+ in question is wired to pin 4 and the not pin 5 (pin 4/anode is the big hole in a 6c33c socket).  The datasheets will mention whether they look from bottom-up or top-down (not all diagrams are the same) which if not noticed will make the pins incorrectly identified.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site