Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: "It" Thread
Post Subject: IT?Posted by rowuk on: 10/23/2021
When the stars align and the playback through a stroke of luck happens to align with that the recording/mastering is. The problem is that recording engineers are not recording for audiophile playback. They use tons of microphones to create an "intelligible" image instead of giving us a geometry that we can mirror. Most symphonic recordings have a very distorted geometry with the winds being closer miked than the strings and opera has the voices directly miked, but the orchestra more diffuse - they sound like they are in different rooms. The close miking has an even bigger problem, acoustic sum and difference tones (intermodulation) present in the concert hall are no longer present in our audio playback.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site