Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: 2+3 surround sound??
Post Subject: A Cloud of Ideas? A Charged Cloud!Posted by Paul S on: 8/2/2021
We had some background for the video on this site, I think, some of it, perhaps, starting with the injection channel, years ago. I do wonder how much a "cold call" viewer, with no "background" of this video, would take away from it. I hope we will figure this out. The big thing for me is that it "clearly" tells us that we can have the benefits from surround by simply splitting the right and left stereo channels and adding that output behind us, but delayed. Pretty effing simple, if you ask me, and a real "up yours" to those who try to profit from the prevailing BS and obfuscation.

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site