Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: 3 way Tractrix Horn Build Questions - and Introduction!
Post Subject: Its own instrumentPosted by anthony on: 2/3/2021
Jorge, I remember the first time I put my hand on a 120Hz fibreglass horn with music playing and the vibrations were staggering...the horn was it's own musical instrument, making its own sounds for sure. The smaller horns were less of an issue but at that stage my instant decision was to make mine very heavy with a lot of wood and a shape that tends towards inertness. My big 100Hz horns are not yet in service (still to be painted) but the 250Hz and 400Hz horns are completely inert during the loudest of playback, at least as inert as my sense of feeling is able to discern. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site