Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Bruce Edgar dies
Post Subject: RIPPosted by Romy the Cat on: 1/23/2021
Yes I have heard the sad news. over the course of the last few months various people contacted me and told me that he did not do good, he was in nursing home and his health was deteriorating. This all my due to express condolences to his close friends and family I would like to make a few words in context of the site. I didn't spend a lot of time with Bruce, just a half of dozen meetings and there was one where we spent together almost two days. It was impossible not to enjoy Bruce as he had very rare in the field combination of modesty and kindness and competence in the same time. And so industry it is always a rule that any capable person should be a jerkĀ  there are very very few exceptions and Bruce was one of them.

Anyhow returning back to assessing a relation between Bruce and the site. One of the biggest accomplishments oh Bruce was that sometimes in '80s he took a very interesting position. He stated that what we as a society know about horns loudspeakers is well known but it is actually not what it might be. This is extremely simplistic and not revolutionary statement but in reality it is incredibly loaded statement. And that times there was certain publicity of the horns and single and the trios in Japan and Germany but they mostly hunted for legacy implementations. And then Bruce show up and stating that all legacy implementations are not bad but they might be significantly better and he began to build quite elegant and quite comprehensive theory what this new horn approach might be. He did not formulated it as I finalized theory but he rather keep it as a intuitive public know-how revelations. So, from certain perspective, anybody who come high-end Audi and horns in '90s, included me, we're just direct derivatives of the inspirations that Bruce conceived. I personally did not learn a lot from Bruce but I rather was learning a lot from people who learn from Bruce. In the one way or other anything which exists today in a high-end audio horns universe in one way or another use Bruce's ideas.

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