Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Site Support Forum
In the Thread: I think it is the end.
Post Subject: Dogs and thingsPosted by JJ Triode on: 9/12/2020
There is a saying in my family "two removals (moving house) equals one fire" (no joke right now out West!). Similarly we say "two dogs equals one child" in the amount of care and feeding needed. So you went from three children to effectively 3.5; not a huge increase.
Of course wifey should be taking care of the dog she brought but I have seen it before that females insinuate a dog into a house and make others responsible for it. Well, if your kids like the dog then in a few years taking care of it could become their first job in life to start learning responsibility.
I hope she got a puppy that will be more trainable. If it is a grown dog then Rowuk is right that professional dog training is called for. Some friends of ours had a very ill-behaved dog that got much better after just a few weeks training (and a little snip-snip operation at the vet.) There is also a good dog training book by the monks of New Skete (Greek Orthodox monks I think) that basically says dog and dog owner must become disciplined together. So think of it as another opportunity for "personal growth."
You also have two allies in your Cats who will not allow the dog to take any liberties, at least with them.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site