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In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: The last phonocorrector: “End of Life" Phonostage
Post Subject: Thank youPosted by N-set on: 3/17/2020
Romy, that's sort of a feedback I was hoping for, thanks. Ok, I see the point, with the feedback and R3 resistors. The last loads the loop. I have now there 1W Dale RN65D, guess Z-foils with their 0.25W dissipation won't work.
And what is your view on using selected low noise tubes? I have now such low noise Telefunken at the input and low noise Sylvania 7025 in the 2nd stage. Honestly they didn't produce much change wrt normal Tlf 12AX7 and 7025 but I still contemplate changing the output tube to low noise Tlf too. Motivating again by being in the loop. It's quite expensive though at $275.
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