Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: A quests for an ultimate preamp.
Post Subject: Update 2020?Posted by rowuk on: 3/3/2020
Besides Romys short list of features:
1) A preamplifier shall be modular - the ability to insert n quantity (maybe 20?) of input cards on a backplane (for phono MC/phono MM/line level/Balanced/Single ended/TOSLink) as well as be configured for multiple outputs. Why send a preamp back to the manufacturer to get a couple more inputs?
2) All preamplifier input channels shall be individually adjustable in gain and polarity.
3) A preamplifier shall be immune to bad electricity. (a very loaded requirement)
4) At least one preamplifier output module shall have the possibility for X-factor/Sonic Holography/other phase adjustments.
5) A preamplifier shall have a front panel output for an oscilloscope/Spectrum Analyzer. Why should we crawl behind a rack to troubleshoot?
6) A preamplifier shall have at least 1 set of inputs on the front plate. Why should we crawl behind the rack to test a new piece of equipment?
7) A preamplifier shall not be microphonic.
8) I would add 50Hz to the required test tones to be able to check phase with a real LF channel.
9) A preamplifier should have a sort of phantom power switchable to the output to load cables.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site