Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Aries Cerat Contendo - the newest "fat" kid in the block....
Post Subject: It is very unfortunate thenPosted by Romy the Cat on: 1/5/2020
I think that I extended too much credit to them. They were saying
about different midbass and bass horns and I was under impression that they do
not let their yellow driver back loaded horn to run all the way down. To use
Foxtex with no high pass filter is like to pee during a hurricane against wind.
To punch that driver bellows the horn rate is literally suicidal for sound. The midbass horn looks like having 100Hz mouth,
regardless the horn length, which is irrelevant parameter. To make the yellow driver to push that 100Hz
hoe lower is the summit of stupidity and I am very surprised how the people who
apparently hear the benefits of phase-constant filtration do not hear that their
horn sound like toilet belching. I still feel that it is a very interesting
idea to have a yellow driver to be incorporated into a horn stuck. Certainly it
should not be done in the way how Aries Cerat
did it.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site