Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Sansui TU-X1 Broadcast monitor.
Post Subject: Antennae attenuators and fmPosted by doug s. on: 12/17/2019
hi all,
an option for an antenna attenuator is the magnum-dynalab signal sleuth. this is something tha allows attenuation and amplification of fm signals +/-30db. it's also tunable. in most situations, its value is negligible, but in some situations it's useful. n-set's situation sounds like one of them. now, i'd not recommend to buy one new, as they frequently come up used, and it could be a costly addition if it's not doing it for you. i'd also recommend waiting for an earlier iteration, as they're pretty much the same thing inside, and typically are quite a bit less expensive. i picked one up for ~$50usd, just to have it, and try it w/different tuna, even tho i bought and sold a used modern iteration, for ~$225. for >$200, i didn't think it worth keeping. for $50, sure, why not?
this link shows what the modern iteration looks like:
here's a pic of an older one, like i have:

regarding fm in general, i feel romy's pain. there's only 2-3 stations in my area that are worth anything, and they've become a bit hit or miss. i have a slew of tuna that i should sell, including my tu-x1. and i am also now listening to a lot of internet radio. i've found that a decent quality internet tuna that has digital out, allowing the feed to go to a quality dac, provides really quite nice sound. and there's a slew of good internet radio w/quality signal, for many different tastes and genre's:
personally, i really like fip-france's non-genre-specific feed. to say it's eclectic is like saying einstein was sort of smart...
doug s.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site