Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: My Audio Philosophy
Post Subject: Also there is much roomPosted by Amir on: 10/22/2019
 rowuk wrote:

In live music, we have intermodulation. Two trumpets or a trumpet and oboe playing together create sum and difference tones that change depending on pitch interval for instance. For music in major keys, this intermodulation is additive - for music in minor keys, it is destructive. Bruckner used this to great advantage for instance. This effect is never as present in playback as in live music. This is because the intermodulation requires LF response to 1 Hz as well as integration of the highest frequencies.
Low frequency response is hugely different between audio events in a „smaller“ fixed space and „larger“ spaces. In a typical living room with the doors or inside an automobile, we have a pressure chamber. Our bodies react differently to this LF - a pressure chamber is impossible to musically integrate!
if romy says there is information between 20hz and 30hz and he goes for sealed box bass topology because he listen to classic music but in persian classic music and some other type of music we do not need to have clear bass under 40hz .
i do not want discuss about playback limits because it exists and we can not fight it.
I agree we have many limits in sound reproduction but i think there also a large space to work in audio. i believe we have large sonic difference between those stereophile recommended carp hardware and what we hear in good hardware. listen to CEC TL0 (in a good setup) and you will be surprise how digital could sound. listen to pure power 3000+ and you can not believe how your system could sound when the Pure Power is there. those hardware directly affect the musicality and i remember when we tested good digital cable vs bad digital it was similar to listening to properly tuned instrument and non tuned instrument.  i believe many hardwares in market destroy the musicality (like that digital cable) and you can not listen to those hardware for long priode of time. somtimes the hardware it is not about good vs better , it is about bad vs good.

I have a question, did you heard living voice roon in 2014 munich high end show ?

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site