Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Training amplifiers
Post Subject: Talking about the training of amplifiersPosted by Romy the Cat on: 6/19/2006
Yes, referring to my initial post on the thread:  something in the Super Melquiades is very freaky. I did not use it for a week and this morning I tuned it on. The amp generally does not sound good for a first 10 minutes and reaches it’s stable operational quality approximately after 40 minutes. However, this time after 6 days of juts sitting there (does not happen frequently in my room) it took for the amp almost a half day of running in order to go back to it’s default quality. Isn’t it annoying?

As I said, I feel that it is most likely die to the memory in formatting of the amps large capacitors. I have seen in it in photographic flashes when the flashes after a few month of doing nothing were not able to serve correct parameters and needed to be sitting under voltage for a few hours (days in some occasions) to return back to the sable duty. In out case we deal with sound that it much more sensitive and finicky then optical density or color temperature.

So, I wonder is the caps so love to be constantly be charged in order to serve good sound then why don’t I disconnect them form anode before I shut down the amp? It would not be difficult to put a relay to lift the cap from the plate. Did anyone go to this extend?

The Cat

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