Anthony, I do understand all of it but the sentient you expressed has, in my view, a self-defeating and self-limiting fallacy. A desire to have “good sound” is abstract and never fulfilling. It is not different from the famous emperor’s comment that Mozart’s music has too many notes. Your parley in audio as a substitution for mid-life crisis is not something that I have problem with. I do have a problem that very frequently in audio people get taken by ability render differences (by building or buying) and do not recognize that they keep moving irrelatively- latitudinal or lateral. A true progress in audio and better audio come with observation of system owner longitudinal or amplitude progress. I do not see in anything you say, at least publicly, any factoring of any listening objective and this is a bit concern you. Not that I worry about you too much, you do not need my worry, but I also know a lot about machine- humans interaction, in this case machine are audio methods. I do not want to bother you with all of it but I juts share you with my presupposition that you might take under consideration or might discard it as a stupid nuisance. If after a period of time listening you playback you detect that you move in your listening preference from whatever you are listening to Bach, Beethoven and perhaps Brahms then your playback “works” probably and you are getting “good sound”. If during you practicing audio your listening inclination do not move altimetry toward to Bach then you need to start changing tubes, voltages, cartridges, cable elevators etc….