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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: A quest for a better monitor.
Post Subject: Re: Tannoy 10" and Melq? That would be fun! Posted by Chirag on: 6/16/2006
 Romy the Cat wrote:

Not kidding?! :-)

Yes, I always felt that Tannoy the vintage 10" sealed box were the best Tannoy out there. Still they were the best not because they were best but because the 10” had less bass extension and did not go into the dangers zone when the bass should be made sensible with a respect to many other things, including the room modes…

I'm coming to the same result.  After trying to get bass out of them, I realized I had something to work with instead of against.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

Actually what you described: the Tannoy 10"  and complimentary sealed with SD-1 motor is what I would do… You have not enough dynamic? Try do not not decouple the Tannoy, but high-pass them and drive them harder… perhaps with Melquiades … although they might need more current ***. If I had a pair of 10” Reds handy I would do it….

what you think i'm doing?  a pair of 10" SD-1's each in their own box on each side sitting under the 10" red.  The argument for having 4 per side is being strongly disputed by the female.  I'm using a speaker level high pass, but I'm gonna have to deal with my dog tripping over wires and biamp this setup.  It should work nicely I think.  Still, I do miss the dynamic lower MF of the 15" woofer...

 Romy the Cat wrote:

*** I still did not figure out what Melq does with current loving speakers as I have seen as it drive then surprisingly good. It should not be the case as it is SET, no feedback and relatively high out impedance. Still it did see some very strange results with the Melquiades driving capacity.

I may Milq the Tannoys yet...finding the time to do it is the big problem.  I almost took your offer to build the Melq down here in ny!  the setup is gonna be driven by some boat anchor type aleph amps for now.


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