Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Josh: My visit to Romy the Cat's Macondo
Post Subject: Emancipating yourself...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/1/2019
Josh, are you upset and are you yawning for a public sympathy
because I did not find you worthy “education”? I think it is my prerogative to decide
and at this point you most likely will not understand my motives. To understand
my motives you will need to remove your attention from players and preconceptions
you have and begin to appreciate the outcome of game itself. It would be great
if you learn what the game is all about. If you do then you might stop to sound
like a provincial psychologist.
Generally, to hear those thoughts about enlightenment from
an individuals who dedicate themselves full time to celebrate the infamous “cargo
cult” is not what I am willing to waste my energy upon. Get yourself where you need
to be, do your homework, “clean your own room” as Jordan Peterson would say and
then express your complains about problems of Socrates educational system.
One of the French dukes told that it is easier to judge man’s
mind by the man’s questions rather than answers, think what questions you are
asking. Here is a question from me. You, after experience Macondo was bored and
distracted. In two weeks after you left I had a visitor who experienced the
very same Macondo and who was very much not bored and with whom we had very MUTUALLY
STIMULATING listening session. Here is the question: if Macondo was the same
then what was reasonable for sensual differences between you and my next visitor?
I do not need you to answer it here, or there or at any other your typical “public
burning”. Take your own house in order and answer it to yourself. Then you will
not be upset that somebody did not demonstrate enough empathy to subscribe your unsolicited love.
This pretty much exhausts at this point the time I am willing to spend with you.
Romy The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site