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In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: FM and … cables…
Post Subject: Single core cablesPosted by Amir on: 12/9/2018
between the cables i have tested the only cable had correct tone without un-natural high frequency was purist neptune.I have checked many cables like Acoustic Revive , Fadel ART, Transparent, shynuta research, cardas ,... none of them were good.
purist neptune is not single core (old dominus is single core) and it does not have purity of single cores (neptune has a-little distortion) but it's tone is right.i guess purist should improve cu quality of neptune range. i know cables should not move and if we move them the distortion increase and after one day they will sound stable. i have tested neptune not after move.
between cables i should say i hate single core cables like acoustic revive. i mean i think not properly designed single core is very very bad .if you think the single core is better than multi-strand then you should choose properly designed single core. i do not believe all single core cables are better all the time.
i have contacted purist audio , they could produce old dominus (single core with liquid) by order but it is very expensive because of custom ordering has more cost. Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site