Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The ULF cannel for my new listening room.
Post Subject: Nope, not time aligned.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/7/2018
That was a subject of long consideration for me and I ruled
not to go for time alignment. You see, my current listening
position is 8.5 feet from the diaphragms and my ceiling height is 14 foot. Let pretend
that I am siting at 4 feet at my listening chair then it still not enough distance
to get a true time alignment. There are more complications then this. I have
100 inches ceiling fan above me that I would like to keep, I would like do not
have IB exit juts above me, I would like the IB exists were separated between R
and L channels, I would like the IB exists were not in the middle of the room
but rather closer to walls and to be loaded to the walls. And there is another
huge reason: above the ceiling in the attic I have a LOT of things going on. I that’s
the exhaust pipes from bathroom fans, I have center HVAC in there, lightings, security
and a few other systems are running in there and my carpenter spent a LOT of
time to reposition the thing and to clear the space for two manifolds. So, we
end up with 2 locations that are a good compromise to the are equidistant from
my listening position and to be visually agreeable in the room (my listening
position is not symmetrical in the room). So, it is not time aligned. I am planning
to cross it at 20Hz and it will be indirect hitting my listening position, if
we can call “indirect” about pressure wave propagation…
So, in a way it is a compromise and “a bad design” to begin
with but it is what it is. When I divorce my wife and built my next house explicitly
for listening pleasure then I will factor the time
alignment of IB into the room design but for now it will be as is. I wonder if
I will be able to get from IB the overall quality of the sound I was able to
get from the system with midbass horn. I know that IB and midbass horn are different
animals but I am taking about the overall Sound….Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site