Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Paul McGowan. tubes in preamp
Post Subject: Thanks Romy.Posted by wolfy on: 8/27/2018
I had in mind a few comments made on your forum which I had in mind when I listened to Mr. McGowan:
"Vacuum Tubes the Vacuum Tubes must not be used in line level outputs. In audio Vacuum Tubes meant for power amplifiers, preferably for out stages, that where they do job."
"14) A preamplifier shall not use vacuum tubes as output devises. Come on, get real! No one yet built an absolutely transparent tubes buffer. The output stages of an Ultimate preamplifier shall be DC-coupled SS devise."
I must have misunderstood your points.
Still, I do think Mcgowan's assertion is interesting. Maybe it does not matter whether tube or solid state, but more so how they are implemented.
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site