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In the Forum: Audio News
In the Thread: Paul McGowan. tubes in preamp
Post Subject: The Mr. McGowan's type of question...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/26/2018
Wolfy, first of all your
question is based upon wrong supposition. I never asserted that tubes belong in
the power amplifier and not in preamp section. I never remember made this comment
and why I know it is because it is never was a part of my believe system. I generally
do not think that SS circuitry can much in term of quality to a properly implements
tube circuitry but this thinking has a LOT of contingents. I am not circuit
specialist and I am rather a brutal end user and I can only judge form the examples
that I witnesses. I have seen remarkable
SS and tubes amps but generally I feel that tube amplifiers as class are more
cables then SS amps. The mistaken supposition that you took was probably because
I use SS preamp in my own playback. First of all what I use for my playback is
not coupled with my believe system. Second, I use it mostly because for the topology
of the playback I use I need an ultra-low output impedance in my preamp. The
third is because I did not have a preamp that would beat my active Placette in term
of transparency and dynamics. I do not claim that they do not exists, they might,
I just do not have it.
Regarding, the Paul
McGowan: it tend do not watch his films as some kind of intellectual challenge.
I have seen a few of his films, it was entertaining and his is a very comfortable
with himself man. He still in his wisdom, in my estimation, do not rise to the
level of demands that I impose to Sound.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site