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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: 250 watts Parallel S.E. advises
Post Subject: It might be not right forum for you.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/30/2018
 devo_yan wrote:
I should use at least 2 amplifiers (one for high frequencies and the GM-100 amp for low frequencies) with a tubes active filter at the inputs of each amps.
Yes, you might, though I am not a huge proponent of active filters and they are just not necessary active state, unless you go for high order crossovers, then it is a mistake in my view. There is another thing. The bi-amping does not work well if you have different amps with different sound. How to make the low power amps that would have the same dynamic and harmonic signature as your GM-100 amp will do I do not know. I for sure would use the same drivers but there is so much more to it…
 devo_yan wrote:
This is what DSET mean, right ?
DSET is a Dedicated SET, the architecture where a SET is optimized for a given frequency range. There is plenty about it at my site.
 devo_yan wrote:
I don't know yet what to use as driver. Could a 300B (with is separated power supply of course ^^) and choke loaded with 350v on the plate properly drive the GM-100 ? (or do I need something like a 845 or GM-70 ?) (I mean is it enought drive current and is 240V peak to peak swing (-120V bias) not too much for a 300B ?)
I am sorry, I cannot help you with this.
 devo_yan wrote:
About the power that I need, of course at home in my smalll room, I don't need more than 0.1 watts (but I still don't know if a small DHT SET can properly drive big bass speakers =s (or if the speakers drive more the amp than the reverse ^^)). 
The 845, 211, GM70 or anything like this will be more than sufficient for LF DSET.
 devo_yan wrote:
But the system will be for to do outdoor parties (and I want to share with people the same technology that what I use at home) (currently I already have good class AB solid state amplifiers (I use only analog devices) but the feeling would probably have absolutely nothing to do with a full tube SET system). Ideallly I would need 1800 watts power for bass (4*450 watts), And maybe for less than 800Kg and a budget of few thousand euros it seem to be dead ^^. So I would like to build the maximum output power SET for a maximum weight of arround 100Kg.
If you want to entertain people for outdoor parties and need 1800 watts power then you are well outside of the means and competency of this site.

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