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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: 250 watts Parallel S.E. advises
Post Subject: Thank youPosted by devo_yan on: 5/16/2018
Hello, thank you for your answer,
I already read this very interesting link (this how I knew about this forum (like "yes ! there is weird people too"))
I never saw too much parellele things too (excepte for solid states); I hope nothing is wrong doing it
I hope some other peoples will answer to this thread
The question is:
"if you really really would love to do a big S.E. amp with triodes for to power four 18 inch Band Pass Horn bass speaker, that can drive them very well, what will you do ?"
(I want S.E. because from my few experiences I have an ever better feeling with S.E. (I have nothing against P.P. don't worry), and the same for triode instead of triode connection penthode (even if I didn't tested so much pentodes in triode connection))
I would like to do it cheap (it will be a kind of usable test), let say 3000e (I have nothing against less, (no I will not use Tango Hirata transformers for this project)) and at least 100 watts in A1 (because my bed is very long and I want to be sure to hear the bass when I'm in my 13m2 bedroom with 106dB/1watt/1meter speakers (I'm joking))
I don't speak english very well so don't hesitate if you don't understand something..
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