Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: New superlative horn build - ESD acoustic
Post Subject: Ah...Posted by martinshorn on: 5/16/2018
Well. That dude down my street in the esoteric shop would say "i feel negative vibration is in the air here"...
Though "only positive counts" may sound very positive in the first place, it rather seems to be used for discrediting majority of opinions.
So, while the glass seems to be always half empty here, and stomach feelings and youtube videos seem to overrule live-experiences, i feel tired bout defending my statements.
However, as it occurs to me majority of non-pro audio dudes love to make a name of emselvs by rating critical bout famous things. As if they were someone, judging and gaining audience for their oppinions, being heard, feeling good about it. So in a way its a good thing to do, putting a break on peoples review culture of "oh that was so crappy"...
On the other hand, my positive statements before were "not bought" either. So, which way ?
Btw. Folded horns may not be per se a topology that interact worse with the room than others. It was also not written like that. Just like "the yellow cake isnt tasty -> hey asshole tongs cant perceive color!" ... (????)
Nevertheless, its my observation that folded horns in 9 of 10 cases suffer more from the room integration than straight ones. Just like ports suffer more than closed, or dipole. Non can be proven by measures nor logic, but my headacho-meter still responds...
JoshRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site