Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: New superlative horn build - ESD acoustic
Post Subject: How i perceive thingsPosted by martinshorn on: 5/15/2018
Hi Romy,
OK ill give you an idea:
1. The Vox Olympian. When i first visited, they played gentle music and classic. I was paralyzed by its ability to accentuate details like the touch-sound of piano solos (keys, pedal, hammer, body-borne etc). Or emotional sweetness of a violin. It was a very musical presentation. And it all came so clear and relaxed, that it was calming me, so i stayed very long and enjoyed.
The other year i came back and intensified. They played more active, lifely, electronics, very loud, i even had to sit few meters back not to get deaf... There it was obvious that the folded horns have a complete disability to collaborate with any room imperfections. It was beyond boomy. I got headache! It was fat and so wet, all transients flooded away. Loud hi-hats hit hart beyond 100dB were way to sharp and agressive, it couldnt stay calm nor stable. So that was the part i disliked.
2. Klaus S. Its hard to describe. I told already everything. Litteraly there are evaluations before and after you have heard the Klaus S. system (or comparables). Before, you know that comparing speakers to a real performance isnt fair. Its just a reproduction. Like printouts cant compare to the original mona lisa. But once you see a reproduction being so poignant realistic, you have to recalibrate your rating system
It was just out of scale in any term.I could try to list a few imperfections here, but theyre so irrelevant.
3. The ESD adjectives however are going back to how to evaluate normal speaker reproduction skills. Not like Klaus S. Like good speaker bad speaker. In those terms, look how i wrote before, and the lack of boominess combined with stage depth rendering was pleasure and faszinated me to stay 3 hours. All others on the exhibition made me leave after minutes. And the exhibition was full of stars from Wilson, Magico, Cessaro, etc etc etc...
JoshRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site