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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: New superlative horn build - ESD acoustic
Post Subject: Amps, electronics and voicingsPosted by martinshorn on: 5/14/2018
So what was next...
They build the DAC, patented the clock... ok.
They build their own preamp. Fully descrete class-a balanced, john curl wouldnt do it differently. Nice. Low and adjustable gain - very nice. Constant impedance step attenuator - my favorite!
So they know how to do it.
The amps are silicium, not for the SET fans. But theyre all fully active. 5 mono amps per side. A total of 10 amps running in their demonstration. Pure class A, god that was hot in the room !
Well, theyre running all on a single ended MOSfet with hi bias. Nice topology! Heard, had and compared such at home... sounds pretty much like tubes.
They did not go for tubes becoz of SNR. The FETs could have way lower noise by design. Sounds reasonable. For 110dB sensitivity speakers too. Im sure though some caps couldve lowered the last dc-noise further - just no one likes caps for no reason...      Now my favorite part: The active crossover device, running prior to the amps, is very flexible. 
The steepness is variable, the frequency too. And the speaker is designed to make a difference. 
The 8" - 4" - 3" - 2" cones or respectively the more relevant here 4" - 2" - 1" throats together with different horn shapes all have different beamwidth.Now for a lively room, you can just set all XO higher.In a dry environment you can put them all down.The lower the steeper, it also influences the lobing and so on.The system will be installed incl. voicing service.I know everyone can do the same but... Not if you dont care to have such continuous proportional size steps. And most of all: the beryl + hixcursion gives way higher bandwidth (±6 octaves) than normal horns (>2 octaves).
Funny enough, they arrived some days earlier but not the speakers.They got not time for proper voicing prior to the exhibition.So the second day i came it developed further. They had to make it in the evening between the days.It was really better the other day. 

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