Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Building Melquiades: Chronicle of full-range
Post Subject: Variable ResistorsPosted by Paul S on: 11/21/2017
BR, I have never used Romy's amp design, but I have used 6C33C SETs with Lowthers. I do not use my Lowthers FR, for reasons that are fully explicated throughout this site, so I don't worry about LF from those drivers. IMO, their best is MF up to treble. In fact, IMO, their overall performance is decidedly compromised by feeding them LF signal. In any case, use variable resistors and test terminals to set operating points, and this will give you a chance to tune to taste. In general terms, the Lowther does not need to be "clamped down" by the amp, and I got the best results with higher output impedance/lower plate dissipation than I might have used. Likewise, much discussion here on OPT options via multi-tapped OPT.
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site