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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Do the Filament Transformers Require a Center Tap?
Post Subject: Use the DATSPosted by anthony on: 10/9/2017
Iraschwips wrote: |
I don’t have any way of testing but the speaker is supposed to present a relatively flat 10ohm load.
This is an excellent tool for measuring the impedance load of your loudspeaker. I have one and use it all the time. You can also test caps, inductors, resistors etc..
If you do go down this road I would look at not only the raw impedance values, but also the phase angles. If the phase angles are less than say 30 degrees then the speaker should not be too difficult to drive and may possibly be suitable for the Melquiades.
Personally, I would start with the known Melq design and then perhaps experiment with paralleled tubes. Perhaps. First though, I would investigate further to see if your speaker is in fact a relatively easy 10R load.
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