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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Deep End DIY - Australian take one Macondo.
Post Subject: It's a lot of capacitancePosted by anthony on: 10/7/2017
 martinshorn wrote:
hi Anthony 
Im not saying to use ribbons (really not) but why you’re afraid of high capacitance that kind of shortens the resistance in high frequencies while you’re not playing the woofers in those (>10k) ?It’s purely AC issue that only appears when using. As long as the amp doesnt have to play highs, it shouldn’t matter to him. Well im not overly familiar with tubes and their circumstances of load after the transformer, maybe i dont get the point?
Cheers Josh 

I see your points, but I also do not know the answers.  I suppose I could connect a small cap in series with the speaker wires, set up an line level crossover at the input to the amp and then measure to see if the amplifier oscillates at all.  With all ribbon cables the amp will see about 20nF of capacitance plus whatever capacitance is present in the woofers.  With speaker wire the capacitance would be about 1.5nF plus woofers.

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