Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: A listening room for a domesticated Cat?
Post Subject: Ah, Winnie...Posted by anthony on: 9/20/2017
 Romy the Cat wrote:

Anthony, one more very important tip I would like to give to you. Churchill (is I am not mistaken) once said that if you want to confuse people then give them facts. The point was that facts do not clear anything, the important are not the facts themselves but the patterns of the facts and the interpretation of the facts meaning. It took for mean a few years to understand how to measure loudspeakers. You need to measure them AND to listen them. If you have any minute mis-synchronization of auditable and measurable then you do not measure the right things. It is not always so simple, in fact it might be very complex and at time you will be find yourself that what you feel conflict with what you objectively witness.  It sometimes take a long thinking on the problem and many experiment but you MUST find a harmony between what you hear and what you understand as a measurements. If you do then you will perceive measurements very differently, I promise you. The measurements will be not an indicator of you playback response but a reflection of your experience and it will be a very different category.

...I've been reading quite a bit of Churchill lately...the political parallels between now and the time between the World Wars are quite disturbing.

There is no need to worry about my relationship to measurements...I feel that you and I are on a similar page.  I have an Applied Science Degree that is basically all about making measurements of physical things so I have had many years to think about what "measurements" actually mean and how they should actually be used, as opposed to how they are often used.  They are very useful if you are able to accurately measure the right things and most importantly if you have good insight into the subject at hand, but if you use them as the sole metrics for success then that project is unlikely to be as successful as it possibly could be regardless of if you are building speakers or breeding livestock or something else. 

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