Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: A listening room for a domesticated Cat?
Post Subject: Blow hardPosted by rowuk on: 3/3/2016
Here is an excellent attic solution that will even allow for output to 1 Hz:

No problems with the suspension sag either!
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I was wondering: if I lose my midbass and will use for now my bass town to do midbass then how can I introduce lower octave channel of I want to make a room civilized? For instance if I go do 2-4 Aura drivers on transition slope then I will end up with 2 LF sections of the size a large subzero refrigerator each. I do not want to have it in my listening room. 
I got an idea today. My Cathedral ceiling it truncated atop and has a profile like on the picture. There is a small attic atop (black on the picture), much smaller then depicted. So, I wonder if I put in there a few Aura driver in infinite baffle configuration. I think the ceiling is 13-14’ high, approximately the same distance I plane to be from the spacers, so it would become time-aligned. I presume that the quality of construction is OK in there and if not then I can put a fat and solid baffle to mound drivers. Did anybody load the heavy woofers into a regular building structure? It does sound as an interesting idea…


The Cat

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