Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: A Scratched Horn.
Post Subject: Rocket manPosted by Gargoyle on: 12/28/2015
Two things I see with that horn. The ribs will have an effect on dispersing internal reflections, positively I'm assuming.
The second thing, the ribs are causing a fairly substantial increase in surface area inside the cone, it has the surface area of a larger horn.
How this affects the sound I can only speculate.
I guess it depends if you want the air to stick to the cone or enhance it's release.
That cone reminds me of the business end of a Saturn V rocket. It is lined with little tubes that circulate fuel to cool the engine. Probably oriented in the optimum direction.
It also reminds me of that episode of Mythbusters in which they covered a car with clay and cut scallops in it so that the surface resembled that of a golf ball.
Sure enough, the dimpled car was better on fuel (less drag) then the same car without all the heavy clay and dimples.
I have a really old horn here that has a textured finish. One can assume in that era that a lot of things were done empirically. They had the ability to go smooth, but didn't.
Maybe the effects could be modeled with smoke.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site