Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
anthony wrote:Do you have a “final version” of the schematic anywhere?
anthony wrote:6E5P/6E6P resistor between plate and grid. Is this resistor influential to sound? I notice that at one stage you used a “high-quality” S102 resistor here but later on you are not necessarily using them.
anthony wrote: Is the resistor in the Fundamentals Channel between the OPT and the S2? Apart from this resistor you run the S2 without any components between it and the OPT.
anthony wrote:.LPad for MF S2. Are you still running the LPad between the OPT and S2? I assume that the four resistors shown in the schematic at that position signify the LPad and not something else.
anthony wrote:Yellow circle with cross. On the schematic at the lower-right side there is a yellow circle with a cross next to a 33K resistor. I am not familiar with this annotation…could you please tell me what it is?
anthony wrote:Two sets of gas tubes. Have you considered more than one set of bias, say one for LF and one for HF? Do you think it could have any positive or negative effect? I have no idea.
anthony wrote:mV Meters on B+. Is their only purpose to check the plate voltage for the individual output stages? Would you consider leaving them out?
anthony wrote:Do you use an hour meter to monitor tube life? If so I imagine that it would be installed straight after the power switch. Is this true?