Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The ultimate worst best things in audio.
Post Subject: It all depends ...Posted by Stitch on: 1/21/2015
... on the (or your) kind of view. Some time ago I had a nice conversation with the marketing manager of a very exclusive and high priced Japanese Brand in a Exhibition Show. Of course, all talk about Sound, a bit more from this here, a bit less from that there, the awful room, the inferior mains and so on and on... BUT: At the end of day he told me, they aren't really interested in a super sonic presentation when it is too much one cares about. Those with the "golden ears" can not afford it anyway and those who can afford it want something which fits in their "picture", whatever it will be.
At the end of the day they want some signed contracts when they go out for Dinner...these shows are expensive, a lot of people have to be paid ...
Those who are able to spend big bucks, want to spend big bucks. I never met even one in my life (and I met many) who owned a 10k cartridge, compared it with a 3k cartridge, discovered that the cheaper one is better, stayed with it and sold the 10k unit.
And all that is the explanation for the price increase in the last 3 years. a high price automatically lifts a product in the "That is something serious" area. It is much more comfortable to sell 5 units per year for 200k than 30 cheaper ones... those buyers don't go on your nerves, they want good service and the confirmation that they bought something "well respected" for their money. And for this we have our "reviewers". And they do the "job".
High End is luxury. Even when the economy rises, that part will profit from that only at the top, when the economy goes down, High End will go down first. There are markets which grow and that's the target. And to close the circle, the normal audiophile who owns a cheaper Speaker from Verity Audio will dream secretly from the Lohengrin... and that's what's all about (today).
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