Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: CEC TL0-X: by no means an in-depth review
Post Subject: Re: CEC TL0-X: by no means ....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/26/2006
Well, for the sake of objectively I have to mention that I received an email from the guy who runs Srajan Ebaen, who informed me that in should be blamed myself in Moronity as the TL0-X’s was not a "review" but was listed as a "preview". I really did nit know what it would mean and where it was listed as a “preview”. Here was nothing in the article that would identify it as a “preview”. Then I spent some time navigating the Ebaen’s site (for a first time, as previously I visited it only as via the direct links) and confirm that Ebaen was correct.
TL0-x is listed in the “Preview” section. From the headed of the section:
“When shopping for new components, timing can be of the essence. Here you find previews of components prior to completed listening impressions. Think cliffhanger-style TV programming to whet your appetite for more. Once these reviews are finalized, they move into the "Current Reviews" gallery farther down the page.”
Well, it probably means that sometime in future, someone with more capable playback installation, the installation that would be able to handle TL0, would write something more sensible about this transport. I look forwards to educate myself.
Romy the Cat
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site