Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Site Support Forum
In the Thread: Who inherit Mocondo or another Mini-Me.
Post Subject: Congratulations & about my experiencePosted by JJ Triode on: 11/14/2014
All joy to you and Amy!
As to whether your son will develop an interest in Macondo and all the rest of your audio, I can offer only one data point, as to how my own son has reacted to all my (much more modest) audio adventures. In short, he takes very little interest in all the technology, and none in owning any tubes, tonearms, turntable feet or room acoustic gizmos himself. However he does know how to operate the installation (with no accidents or damage) and does use it occasionally (he is at college now and so has limited opportunity.) He has made a few perceptive comments over the years when I did something to improve or at least change the Sound. And he did have the interest to learn to play violin well enough to be in his HS orchestra, though he is not playing now. If my son is ever going to develop an interest in non-casual home playback, I wouldn't expect it for a long time (until he is in his 40s, maybe.)
So, I think some good things will come out of the exposure to the listening culture and ways of thinking about it, but an exact replication of your interests is not likely. If you want him to be able to set up and maintain the installation in the future, then it might be smart to write up a VERY detailed operating manual, as learning by direct apprenticeship will probably not happen while he is still living at home.
Best wishes to all,
JJRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site