Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: Tidal’s Music Streaming Service
Post Subject: Tidal’s Music Streaming ServicePosted by Romy the Cat on: 11/4/2014
A quick look at the Dally Audiophile web site suggest that anybody mention the new Tidal’s Music Streaming Service. That is a new 16/44.1 Streaming Service that the call "High Fidelity streaming service" by subscription only.  There is nothing wrong with it but for whatever reason I am very skeptical. The question is: where those people will be getting the material. The claim 20K recordings including the catalogs of some major labels. So, do you think that DG, EMI, Sony and the rest of then give to them access to their 44K muster dubs. Not to mention that they mostly recorded in 48X and any 44X dubs would be garbage to begin with? A am sure it is not the case and the honorable Tidal people just ripped a pile of CDs, in best cases, witch defeats all purpose.  I said in "best cases" because I know that behind the curtain of those companies are industry people and for them to cheat, deceive and to lie is a second nature. Since there is no regulated digital hygiene control in audio industry and the stupid audio consumers have no listening integrity and will buy anything I can give you an absolute assurance that is a few week somebody will discover that "High Fidelity streaming service" source MP3 files or does own  DSP application to hide the source. So, I am subscribe the new as skeptic and feel that it is not necessary service.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site