Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Volti Audio's Vittora
Post Subject: Time-alignmentPosted by LogicAudio on: 10/31/2014
thanks for the good info
actually we are developing a full horn-loaded speaker the bass-bin is just inspired by Klipsch La Scala (just like Volti speaker) with curved sides. the mid-range consists of TAD 4001/Beryllium in Edgar wooden Tractrix horn and the tweeter is Fostex  T500AMKII. we were thinking about how should we time-align MF and HF sections and a friend come up with Volti Vittora. we were anxious to find out how the designer came over time-alignment problem. I thought why not check Romy's site (whom I like his ideas about horns) and found this thread. Vittora speakers obviously suffer from misaligned drivers. seems Vittora has received some rave reviews, I was wondering if they could get even better if the tweeter is placed somewhere at the back section of MF horn


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site