Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Magico: Robert Harley’s upperbass mouth.
Post Subject: Wisdom from Robert Harley?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/20/2006
 drdna wrote:
Still Robert Harley does end with a statement I can agree with: "Perhaps the low-power amplifier/high-sensitivity horn-loaded loudspeaker approach... is the true path towards creating the illusion of live music in our homes."
Excuse me! This statement was said by a person who spent his entire life is audio, wrote books, zillion publications and proposed that he has some listening intelligence. (I personally believe that he, as any other industry freak, has none). Proposing that high sensitivety is the way to go is similar to a Cat who in the end of her life decided that vegetarians were wrong. Also, Robert Harley did not mean what he said and he have no actual real feel for his statement. It was juts an accidentally meaningful sequence of his words. Tomorrow he would be blabbing the opposite, writing up that that sound of 500W Mark Levonson would be “the best sound he ever heard”. In fact he did not heard yet the “the low-power amplifier/high-sensitivity horn-loaded loudspeaker approach”. All that he had heard was just the Magico and even they made him to collapse….

The Cat

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