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In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: Revisiting DSP
Post Subject: Long Live FM tubed tunersPosted by steverino on: 5/18/2014
PS: The "best" DSP I have heard actually has a sort of smoothing/homogenizing effect, not entirely dissimilar to FM.

Bingo. But I would quibble with the homogenizing aspects of FM through an excellent vintage tuner because many transients and sounds are quite well defined. What FM is always is rolled off in the treble. If you listen in a concert hall, the very high treble is rolled off too unless you are the oboist in front of the trumpets. I may never get fooled that the FM tuner system is providing a window into the recording but it sure is a glamor photograph of it. Since it is in a modest sized room it also helps that the volume is not set too high. It is a nice contrast with my main system in which I try to optimize clarity and  naturalness.

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