Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: (Hopefully short) headphone journey
Post Subject: Format and Portability vs Sound/QualityPosted by Paul S on: 4/28/2014
It seems like most of the effort these days goes into trying to make these things able to play and convert anything to everything, and scant consideration is given to the resultant sound. Does anyone else remember the little Sony "Pro" Walkman tape recorder/player? I heard some tapes of recorded-live jazz that blew me away; but when I looked around, there was essentially nothing in the way of pre-recorded music, and what there was, sucked. Similarly, like I shared here a while back, a friend of mine played his "uncompromised" WAV files over my system from his iPhone and it was very poor sound quality. I love the idea of having Music "at hand", but I see no reason at this point to "invest" in anything portable I've heard to date. With the current lack of direction (in terms of sound quality), one might at well at any point simply wait another couple of months until something "just as good" appears at a fraction of the cost.
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site