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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: JBL 2226 2445 2405 3-way and a path forward
Post Subject: Diasgreement doesn't change the factsPosted by haralanov on: 1/25/2014
 Romy the Cat wrote:
The whole point in a compression driver is that anything in back chamber is irrelevant.

Hahhaha, good joke! :-)

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Haralanov, all that you need to do is to make your own experiments, the practical experiments. Take a dozen compression drivers and play with back chamber. You will learn that it will have minor effect to the very bottom knee and practically no impact to the normal operation range of the driver.

I have already did a lot of experiments with 1A16, 288 and my own super lightweight paper compression driver having mms of diaphragm + voice coil = 0,84 gr.
I made more than 7-8 different horns made out of SNOW (with very thick walls) which is absolutely the best sounding material for horns and I know very well what happens. I can assure you the back chamber affects the sound a lot. The only way to escape from the damaging contribution of the back chamber is replacing it with closed back horn. All other solutions are pure compromise. Pay to someone to build you an experimental back loading device, similar to the one I illustrated above, and if you don't hear the tremendous improve in sound - I will pay you all the cost, including your "wasted" time.

Best regards,

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