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In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: A CD player of today… 20 years after TL0
Post Subject: Limiting versatiity in cd/digital for improved performance musical and valuePosted by mark on: 1/6/2014
good point in here;graphic cards perform so well because they are optimized to perform limited tasks and are cheap.I have been listening ,researching and experimenting to get musically interesting and satisfyting results from cd for 25+ years now.I have a cheap cd systemthat consists of radio shack cd-3400(100$ used) on black ravioli footers,an omega mikro zephyr digital cable(150-180 used),a dac kit thatcost 20$,but with several hundred dollars of p.s. batteries,extreme high quality parts in the critical, priority areas.It betters almosteverything i have owned (audio aero capitole classic se,john wright modified bidat,etc.),the only cd playback i have heard that betters itis the omega mikro insound galileo cd player at 18k$,of which i will have later this year as reference to further improve my cheap cd onlysystem.Several years ago i posted my thoughts on listening 47 labs flatfish,progression dac (In digital,or dacs and things),identifyingwhat i felt was right and areas of performance that were in need of significant improvement,mainly purity,smoothness,naturalness,freedomfrom that artificiality that most, especially upsampled delta sigma dacs impose on natural acoustic instruments.

dont think i will ever hear the do all formats in one dac or player at this level regardless of cost.If you listen to cd mostly or exclusivelywith your digital stay with cd only and you dont need to spend more than $1000 really to do it really well.

also have heard many demos of sacd and hi res,most recently through a berkeley dac,24/192 i think, a download of music i knew,it washorrendously artificial.I am sure there are good sounding hi res setups in terms of detail soundstage etc.BUT what about the basicsof natural realistic  acoustic sound without artifice? Who can listen to that hi res/multi fomat crap for more than 2 seconds,i dont care how much hi-res or detail or imaging/soundstage

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