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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Volti Audio's Vittora
Post Subject: A creative solutionPosted by Romy the Cat on: 9/16/2013

that was a whole point – to see if the fundamental dilemma of the those designs was addressed. Frankly I was prepared to see some kind of interpretation of unity horn, not just blunt lock of any efforts in this direction.  As is, the Vittora, as far as I can see it, is not advancement in horn design,  but rather it is pretty much a pile of BMS-level drivers in a random wooden box. For sure some attitudes of the guy who build it do sound attractive but I think  is not enough to make a speaker to sound “interesting”. The guy says about his custom finding in the design of throat for bass section that according to him make some difference. It might be true or not but frankly I personally do not extend a lot of credit to it. If the guy demonstrated an attempts to deal with HF/MF alignment then might expectation would be higher. I certainly do not close a book on the Volti but I also do not find it to be interesting to talk about it.

Here is an example of a creative solution that would make a difference. Volti Vittora loudspeakers is good 8 inch leas wide (that would help) and has a flash-mount door atop of loudspeaker, sort of missile silo. As the speaker detects the signal flows, or by a manual override, the tweeter silo is opening and the tweeter extends itself at precise time-sensitive position above the loudspeaker. This might be not a perfect idea but this would indicate sonic ambitions of the designer.

The Cat

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