Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: How to train respect audio listening?
Post Subject: The truth?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/26/2013
Last night Kitty and I went for see a local production of Broadway show that has to rename nameless as I am ashamed to admit that we went to see that crap. Well, parents invited us and that made the whole trip special, so we have to go. So, we were sitting at the location where no people were in presence at least 20 feet around us. The show was boring like here and we all looking it to be over sooner. When I was trying to make some comments, very quiet and only in Amy’s ears, she reprimanded me and told that I shall not talk during the performances.
What the mean Cat. I told right the way that why when I am listening my music home and what I explicitly ask her do not talk to me she feel that it is OK to interrupt me. However, what we are at the show about neither or us even remotely care I shall remind silent. Her response was clever and “less clever” at the same time. She told me: ” When we are home I can bother only you but here at the concert my taking might bother other people.” I did point out that there are no other people. She kissed be in cheek and told me shut up. I told her that because the smell of her skin she can go away with many incredibly stupid things. She purred back and said “Can you stop talking?” I said “This is not fair” She said “I love you”. I said “Of cause, so what? Your love does not give you rights to be torturous to the subject of your love.” She looked at me as I was catapulted from another planet and told me “Enjoy the show”. The female reasoning! God! Sometimes I am so envy to gay people…
The reality is that I very much do not want her to give me time off when I am listening my music just because I have “trained” her to respect my time. When I have some audio guys over and they listening then we do have some convention how we listening as that convention is MUTUALLY SUPPORTED. That mutual and voluntary support of prepare listening etiquette during audio listening is something that I would like to have in my wife. I do not want her to be afraid to interrupt me, or because she knows that I would give her some indulgence if she did not bother me during my listening. I would like her just to have a proper listening manners not because of me but because that is right manners to have and because here appreciation of the listening ceremony itself. I cared less about it in any other women I saw in my life and I was fine to “oblige” them to be quiet. I have absolutely no interest to oblige Amy to do anything and I would like her do not “push” herself to comply with me “stupid riles”. What I would like her to do is to naturally embrace the rules of proper listening etiquette and to become rather a partner in listening instead of being a conquest slave of listening. I am still working on it…
The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site