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In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: DAC Recommendations
Post Subject: Ultra-incomprehension.Posted by de charlus on: 7/6/2013
Thank you, Rennie, but that's entirely beyond me. As for Romy's input, I do take your point; it's hard to imagine a single DAC possessing virtues entirely harmonious with all three sources - maybe I should just go for the best universal player attainable, and accept some compromise. It's not as if I'll be doing the majority of my listening through the unit anyway, so buying two or three front-rank - even if somewhat outdated in one or two cases - DACS really can't be justified, even if I did feel like committing my time to so arduous a process. That said, perhaps a system as tube-laden as the one I'm configuring will permit the use of a somewhat analytical-sounding DAC with the TLOX without sounding too clinical; maybe not probable, but perhaps worth trying. I really don't see myself vastly expanding my music collection through new digital media anyway; the resurgence of vinyl continues apace, and by that I mean the growth of used record-stores carrying original, high-quality pressings. If I invest in a good record washing machine to resurrect such dusty lovelies, it might make more sense to forget the high-end Red Book player, get a good universal one with an appropriate DAC, and invest the rest of my "new media" budget on a reel-to-reel player instead - I am told that quality tapes are appearing with increasing regularity.
de Charlus
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