Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Canadian Speaker Proposal
Post Subject: Knowledge TreePosted by de charlus on: 6/29/2013
Romy, do you have first hand listening experience of these YL drivers? If so, in what sort of installation?

Doubtless you will refer me to an extant thread, but how is it that you dealt with the S2's secondary resonance? "Killing the S2's sound" in any way, shape or form is the very last thing I wish to do, since of all the drivers alluded to above it seems to me the most organic and fluid, if that makes any sense. The last thing I would wish to do would be to compromise this driver in a clumsy fashion, especially considering the fundamental importance of the frequency ranges it occupies.

I thank you kindly for the invitation, but as you say, to listen to the Macondo in an unfamiliar room/system would be an exercise in curiosity rather than anything that could usefully benefit me much in terms of the speaker stratagems that Jeffrey and I end up fleshing out between us. It would certainly be more useful for him to listen thus, since persons of such experience can seemingly to some extent free their listening experiences from context - a little.

As I said, it will be a few months before work permits me sufficient leisure to approach this project in earnest. After further dialogue with Jeffrey, plus the invaluable advice that you, Romy, and others continue to provide, I will at least be able to commence gathering materials, so that by the time Jeffrey has completed his extant project, my own will not be delayed by shipping matters. I will keep you all informed as to what transpires in the processes leading up to the point of construction and installation.

It would seem that Jeffrey errs on the side of building DSETs from the ground up; I do see the many virtues that this route offers, but I had previously thought it a good deal simpler, and possibly cheaper, to buy commercial SETs and modify them as necessary. Have you ever costed out a Melquiades, Romy, in terms solely of materials and the labor involved in construction of a unit? Call me a heretic, but I like the GM-70 tube best of all those that I have thus far encountered in the SET topology - and I am the first to admit that these encounters have been far from exhaustive; that which forms the basis of the Melquiades, for instance, remains obscure to me - and cannot imagine that a custom SET employing that tube would differ radically in price from one using the 6C33C. Given that I shall be needing 10 of these, price must be considered.

de Charlus

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