Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Truth is somewhere in the middlePosted by Romy the Cat on: 4/19/2013
I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I do not believe that PP2000 shall be treated as appliances.  Purepower units are complex machinery and they have to be serviced only by Purepower technicians. I would never agree to have an external person to touch any of my units. Perhaps Purepower might be more cautious with implementing design ideas and test them. However, let to be realistic – those types of machines are fragile, particularly if they did not pass the blowtorch design. Go to PS Audio forum and read about reliability of PS Audio Power Plants. They break all time and particularly the newer models. I had 5 Power Plants in past and I was very close with PS Audio support folks – I know what I am taking about. The Purepower units by design are way more fragile and more capricious then PS Audio regenerators – it comes from the topology what the load is essentially in the feedback loop. The PS Audio units pretty much does not care what it drives, the Purepower does.  Does it mean that Purepower units could not be made more stable? Of cause it could and I think it should.  

Ironically this thread is not about Purepower but about the electricity cure. The reputation of Purepower as the company and even the Purepower as the products is very secondary. I had some very big names in audio did very piss poor job. I remember when I bought a brand new preamps from a manufactures that everyone kiss in the ass nowadays and who IS very reliable. The very next day I returned the used as I detected a very distinctive silver sound in the unit. The manufacture admitted that because I was such a good person he put for me a very expensive silver cable between board and  RCAs. After another week I retune the unit sounded as it had cold soldering. The manufacture re-solder the whole unit and the problem was gone. I was using that preamps for a few year and it was very good then.  Well, it was model 3 or 4 of the initial production... it happens….

What I am trying to say is that the most interesting thing in Purepower is its Sound, well when it operates properly. Does it worth to you to play the lottery with Purepower unpredictability? I do not have the answer and everyone desired to yourself. Also, I am not in the business of selling the Purepower to the reader of this site, I very much do not care what you buy or use. What I do care is your expressions about the sound you get if you do use Purepower. Sadly, no one besides me talk about it.

The whole story about Purepower to be more reliable or less reliable is a bit ridicules to me. Purepower sells with 30 days money back. Try the unit and if it does not work then send it back. No one complained yet, or at least I did not heard, that Purepower does not respect own 30 days rules. So, return the Purepower, post the negative feedback and move over to find something better. This is where I was burned. I just did not come across to anything better. I wish I did but I was not and this is partially why this thread is idle on the Purepower subject.

I do think that the truth is somewhere in the middle. The Purepower has to be more careful with promises, datelines and support but the customers need to be a bit more intelligent with this complains. In my software world when I design a system and somebody complain that something does not work but not able to express what, when and how I uselessly treat the complain as “needs to ripe”.

The caT

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site